Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Adoption. . .

This is NOT an announcement. Well, it is in a way. Tyler and I have been praying about how to extend our family, and we know that adoption will a part of that process. I'm at peace with this, and excited. It will be a long process--the Lord told me that from the beginning. But I know there is a plan for our family, and it brings me such peace.
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Heather said...

I'm happy for you, Sund.

A. B. said...

That is wonderful Sundy! Have you read the poem in this month's Ensign about infertility? I am sure you have but here is the link just in case. It is so beautiful. I am so happy you have found peace. I'll keep you in my prayers that the peace and perseverance will continue throughout the entire process of finding your sweet little child.

Erika said...

That's exciting! My sister Stefanie placed her baby for adoption. She has a very active blog and when you are ready, I'm sure she'd put a button up on her blog about you. I hope the process is not TOO long for you.