Monday, January 25, 2010

2 years ago

I made a calendar for T for his birthday in May and sent it to press with January 15th as the 2 year anniversary of our first date. Tyler made me this fabulous surprise candlelight dinner while I was away getting sugar free ice cream from cold stone (wouldn't suggest it--if you're going to splurge, do it right) to celebrate that blessed night two years ago...

We realized the next day that the actual date was January 17th. It fell on a Sunday this year, so we didn't worry about celebrating twice. Carpe Diem.


Genavee said...

I love celebrating little personal days like that. My husband and I had our first date on February 16, so we tend to celebrate that and kind of overlook Valentines day - for us this has more meaning.

Amberly said...

What a sweet husband! And yes, it's only good with full sugar AND fat. :)