Sunday, August 12, 2012

The abandoned blog

Hi. I have been blogging, but not here. Tyler and I started a new *public* family blog (rather than the private one on which I rarely wrote.) If you don't have that address and would still like to hear from me occasionally, the address is:

I will keep this blog for my personal musings when I feel so inclined, but Tyler has committed me to write at least every other week on the new blog (he writes opposite weeks), and so far, so good :)

In terms of me. . . . New world in Aurora. No job. No husband (well, I have him 'til Monday when he starts his first 9 weeks of intensive study--anatomy and dissections . . . I have an old friend and her darling daughter to keep my company. I have a new rental house that desperately needs some decorative flair. I have family at a  distance that needs my prayers. I have courage to chase away the discouragement that comes from starting over. By my lonesome.

I have sunshine. Literally.