I am a graduate student. Whewhoo! It felt so right and happy to be sitting in my first class today with 25 other people who all got to tell their stories about getting to this place at this time. We all feel lead. We all want to help people overcome their challenges.
I introduced myself as number 2 of 4 (referring to birth order). I got lost in the details of how I came to be in graduate school right now (from childhood to miscarriage) that I forgot to tell people my name. It was a good laugh to realize that. Maybe they'll just call me "2x4" from now on.
I should be reading right now. Facebook has been getting in my way, and then I realized that I haven't blogged in over a month. I will have to learn to set aside distractions and study, study, study. Sundy will study.
Oh, how beautiful the dream looks and is starting to feel right now. We are all broken and need help getting fixed. I recognize who the Master Healer is, but I want to "learn the healer's art" in this phase of my mortality.