Sunday, July 26, 2009


It's official. I am starting a Master's program in Marriage and Family Therapy at George Fox University on August 31, 2009. For those who don't know, the university was founded by Quaker pioneers in 1891. The majority of my professors are also pastors and ministers of faiths other than LDS. I am in for a great learning experience. We have already moved into a new little town house located 5 minutes away from my campus.

Graduate school. . .I am scared. I'm taking 13 credits to try to stay in the 2 year track, but I've heard that that's a lot. I also have to sign up for my own therapy (at least 20 sessions of it) and cannot graduate from the program until I've done so. I was talking to a therapist who works where I work (she graduated from George Fox) and she said it was an extremely demanding program in lots of ways, but especially with personal issues. Every insecurity, issue, problem you have or have not dealt with will be brought to the surface. I feel like that has happened in my life before: getting ready for my mission, living my mission, getting home from my mission, getting engaged, getting married--maybe I've been prepared for this.

Actually, I know I have been prepared for this--the Lord has lead me to this decision and this experience. I do not know the meaning of all things, but I do know that he leads me. August 8th would have been our miscarried baby's due date. I would not be starting this program had our baby lived. Reassurance comes when I need it most--it will continue.